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We have all experienced a miscommunication. Sometimes there was a humorous outcome, other times there was a critical impact. Many years ago, right before dinner guests were to arrive, my mother realized she had forgotten to buy iceberg lettuce. My sister, with her new driver’s license, happily agreed to go to the grocery store. Mom specifically said, “get the round, green stuff.” My sister returned and proudly announced she got the heaviest one they had! It was a lovely head of cabbage, and not the result Mom expected. Not a terrible situation, but definitely not a successful communication.
If every message you communicated was accurately received, imagine the possibilities!
Each of us has a communication style that is natural for us. If everyone in the world were just like us, communication would never be an issue. And life would be pretty boring. Given that we are all different, a better way is to understand your style, and how you can adapt to someone else’s style.
A DISC Assessment is one tool that we use to understand a person’s communication style in two different environments. Your Natural style is how you communicate in a relaxed setting, when you are with family and friends. Most of us make a shift in our style when and when we are at work. This is your Adapted style.
The 4 Communication Styles
There are four styles that make up the DISC assessment: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientious. We are all a blend of the four styles; however, one or two of them are expressed more than the others. Here is a high-level description of each.
The Dominance Styles tend to be assertive and are natural leaders who like to see results. The Influence Styles thrive on being involved with other people. They are friendly and enthusiastic. The Steadiness Styles are patient and persistent. They are team players. The Conscientious Styles are precise, and they will gather all the data needed to be correct.
If I am setting up a meeting, here is how I would email to invite each of the four types.
- Dominance: Bill, Ali and I will meet with you on December 1st from 1-1:30 PM to decide on the Acme Contract.
- Influence: Hi! I’m including you on the meeting with Bill, Ali and I on December 1st from 1-1:30 PM. I thought it would be great to meet in person and talk about the Acme Contract. See you there!
- Steadiness: The team is meeting to discuss the Acme Contract on December 1st from 1-1:30 PM. We need to make a decision and can really use your input.
- Conscientious: As you know, we need to make a decision on the Acme Contract soon. Below is a link to the shared document with all of the details for you to review. Bill, Ali and I would like to meet with you on December 1st from 1-1:30 PM to make a final decision. Let’s set up a time before then to address any concerns you may have.
Yes, it takes a few more minutes to write individual emails; however, having everyone show up prepared makes it worthwhile. These same tactics work when I am dealing with customers. In fact, it is the key to successful sales. The easiest and most effective way to close a deal is to speak the customer’s language.
The true test of communication is the message that is received. People communicate in different ways. Identifying how someone communicates and adapting your message is a powerful tool that you can use with your team, your customers, even with your family when they go to the grocery store for you!
Interested in DISC Assessment for you and your team? Click here to get started.
Author: Sandy Merritt, Business Coach in Louisville, KY.