Context vs Content

A couple times each year I have the privilege of training new business coaches.  What could be more glamorous than spending 3-4 days in Las Vegas, in a conference room far from the strip, for 10-12 hours per day? I chose to do this because I love teaching, and after

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Summer Reading is Not Just for Kids

Most of us have participated in a Summer Reading Program or have had a child enrolled in one. It was exciting to follow the progress to the top of the board. The purpose of the program is not just to give out awards. It is to build skills, knowledge and

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Entrepreneurial Operating System vs. Business Operating System Operating Systems are a hot topic in business these days, which is great.  The more business owners understand that there are common ways to scale their business, the more businesses will grow/scale and achieve their goals.  There are two primary types of Operating

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Management vs Leadership

One common mistake that owners of small businesses make is confusing management with leadership and vice-versa.  We all think that our teams only need us to be great leaders, when in reality they need us to be great managers first.  Without great management, great leadership’s value is significantly diminished.  Key

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Get Your Business Summer Ready

Spring is the time of year that nature gets ready for the hot, sunny weather to come. The sun is starting to shine more and there is plenty of new growth all around us. It is also a good time for you to get your business ready for a busy

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Business Mastery – The Big 4

To successfully grow your business – and by successfully, I mean in a sustainable, profitable, less than 80 hours per week way – you must achieve Mastery in 4 key areas of your business and life…   Take a look at these 4 areas and do a quick self-assessment to see

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The Problem with “I’m Too Busy”

Business owners wear many hats and have endless things to do. Unfortunately, some of us let this busyness prevent us from growing.  We hit a plateau, but often find ourselves unable to allocate the time to make the necessary changes.  How do you get past the plateau of being “too

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Why Time Management Doesn’t Work

Lately, it seems like everyone I talk to has a “Time Management” problem, but when I ask a few questions, it quickly becomes obvious (at least to me) that the problem isn’t Time Management. There is most certainly a lack of enough time for important activities, but it isn’t a

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6 Tips to Spring Clean Your Business

The goal of spring cleaning is to refresh and revitalize. As we come to the end of Q1, now is a great time to refresh and revitalize your business. Here are six spring cleaning ideas: 1. Assess your Inventory What old or obsolete inventory or services are you carrying –

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Employees Don’t Have to Be an Expense

I’ve had three conversations with business owners in the last week where the fear of hiring a much-needed employee came down to one thing – not wanting to add another expense.  While payroll is obviously an overhead expense on the P&L, employees should be considered an investment, not an expense. 

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Is your Business Ready to Compete?

As we approach the season of basketball tournaments, I want to focus on how ready your business is to face your competition and take home the title. Like a winning sports team, a winning business has a strategy to follow. From there they will build a playbook to follow. So

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The Cost of Doing Nothing

As business owners, we too often take more time than necessary to act.  We do this for a variety of reasons: Fear, Uncertainty, Bad Past Experiences and other equally bad reasons not to act.  I am all for making data-based decisions, but at some point we have all the data

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