Fuel Your Growth with New Perspectives

Several years ago, when my partner and I decided to go our separate ways, the one and only concern that our clients had was that we would stop bringing them together once a quarter.  They were very clear that one of the most valuable things we provided them was a

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7 Habits to Embrace for a Successful 2023

As a business owner, it’s important to continuously strive for growth and improvement. One way to do this is by developing habits that will help you achieve success. Here are seven habits that every business owner should consider incorporating into their daily routine: 1. Set goals and track progress. Setting

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How Much is a Referral Worth?

When it comes to finding new customers there is one method that beats all of the others. Referrals. Let’s examine why. Based on Trust A referral occurs when one person, who you know, like and trust, suggests that you do business with someone else that they know, like and trust. 

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Growth By Referrals

Almost every business owner I meet has the same (or similar) answer to the question of what is their best marketing strategy?  In other words, where do most of their leads come from?  They all say some version of Referrals or “Word of Mouth”.  This is a great answer, yet

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The Cycles of Business

It’s that time again – that time of year when everything feels like it is changing.  It typically happens every other year, and always happens every four years.  It is election time, and everyone holds their breath about what’s going to happen on election day.  The funny thing is that

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When you Need More Than an Umbrella

There is stormy weather coming. The media is full of dire predictions, and we are facing some uncertainty in our economy and political landscape. For the busy business owner, it can be more to worry about. I would like to propose a solution to weathering the storm of uncertainty.  Become

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Can You Afford the Time?

I’ve noticed a rather disturbing trend lately among both our clients and other business owners as well – the belief that they are too busy to take any time to learn new things.  There are so many things wrong with that belief, I have a hard time deciding exactly where

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10 Ways to Struggle as a Business Owner

When I talk to business owners, I always ask about their successes first.  Then we turn to the challenges.  I have heard a number of struggles, excuses, obstacles, and doubts. Here are my top 10 ways to struggle as a business owner. 1. Winging It Think about what happens when

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The Challenges of Success

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face when growing your business is your Success!  Yes, that very goal we achieved has now created your biggest challenge.  While success is fun, often exhilarating, it also comes with its own set of new challenges.  In the early growth stages of a business,

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Running on Autopilot

There are things that we do every day that we do not even think about. We make our morning coffee or tea, check the weather, drive to work. Then there are the things that we have to stop and think about before we can do them – ordering supplies, making

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18 Tips from 18 Years

Musings from a Hall of Fame Business Coach Wow, it is hard to believe that it has been 18 years since I started as an ActionCOACH!  Like every new business venture, the journey has been filled with ups and downs along the way, but the Vision has only gotten bigger

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The Power of Peer Groups to Grow Your Business

The one thing that the pandemic reinforced is the value of peers.  We need interaction with other people.  There are times when we need their support, and to get some motivation.  We also know the value we receive when we give support and recognition. Our peers not only support us,

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